Friday, October 23, 2009

Some tough questions

I recently read a post from a blogger who I really admire about how the language of kids is so sweet and how nice it would be if we can speak like them. Inspired by this, I am trying to pen down some words of my 2 ½ year old baby.

Well, it was one of these days when I bought him a Tropicana juice box, put a straw and gave it to him to drink. He would first put the straw in, drink some juice, remove the straw and put his mouth on the juice box. He kept on doing this repeatedly. After some time he asked me,
“Straw potta juice varadu, verum vai potta yen varalai” (when I put straw, juice comes, when I put mouth, no juice comes, why?) well – I had no answer – I could not obviously explain class VII physics to him.

Diwali time. The association had allotted a specific place in the flat. and all people were bursting different crackers there. We also participated. After some time, he asked“ ella mamavum yen adhuve enga veekara” ( why all uncle keeping same cracker together)” what a deep question. Community cracker bursting would be so much of a saving on the pocket as well as environment. If only our egos will let us

Now some chemistry – when I put baby cream on him, he gets very upset that the white colour disappears “white enga pochu” (where did the white go) he cries. I really don’t what is the chemical reason that a cream which is white in colour loses its identify when in contact with the skin?

I picked up two soup mixes from the shelf in a shop. These were the only two mixes. “Nee ellam eduthutaye, appo avaluku errukadhe?” (you have taken it all, there is nothing left for them.) I think if this compassion comes in the minds of all of us, world would be a better place to live.

I think if we keep our ego aside and actually see the world through this little eyes, we could probably know how much we are yet to learn in the world.

1 comment:

  1. hey luvd the kids queries, have deep thought if all think alike. i too hv 3 yr old who keeps on asking beautiful queries the answeres to which sumtimes are a big questionmark.


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